Biograph: Xuemin Lin is a UNSW Scientia Professor, the head of data and knowledge research group in the school of computer science and engineering at UNSW, and an adjunct Professor at ECNU, Fudan University, and Guangzhou University. He is a fellow of IEEE. Xuemin's research interests lie in databases, data mining, algorithms, and complexities. Specifically, he is working in the areas of scalable processing and mining of large scale data, including graph, spatial-temporal, streaming, text and uncertain data.
Xuemin has been very frequently serving as a PC member and area chairs (senior PC members) in SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, ICDM, KDD, CIKM, and EDBT. He received the honour of outstanding reviewer in KDD2012. He was an associate editor of ACM TODS (2008-2014) and IEEE TKDE (Feb 2013- Jan 2015), and an associate editor-in-Chief of TKDE (2015-2016), respectively. Currently, he is the editor-in-Chief of TKDE (Jan 2017 - now) and an associate editor of WWW Journal (2013 - now).
Title:Big Graph Processing: Applications, Challenges, and Advances
Abstract: Graph data are key parts of Big Data and widely used for modelling complex structured data with a broad spectrum of applications. Over the last decade, tremendous research efforts have been devoted to many fundamental problems in managing and analysing graph data. In this talk, I will cover various applications, challenges, and recent advances. We will also look to the future of the area.