Biograph: Jibin Zheng has accomplished his doctoral degree in signal and information processing from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2015, and is currently an associate professor in National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University. From September 2012 to September 2014, he worked as a Visiting Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. His research interests include focus-before-detection technique, sparse signal recovery, swarm intelligent and machine learning. Within the last five years, he has published more than 30 articles as the first and corresponding author. One of his work is awarded as Excellent Natural and Scientific Academic Paper Award of Shaanxi Province.
Title: Research on radar target signal detection and reconstruction
Abstract: The radar signal detection and reconstruction are becoming increasingly challenging due to the complex environment and target characteristics. The main challenges can be summarized as follows: high speed, low radar cross section, strong maneuver, far range, high density, strong clutter and jamming. It is attractive to ask whether we can improve radar ability for the complex environment and target characteristics by changing its radar signal processing without changing system parameters. In past decades, researchers do research in three related aspects for modern radar signal processing, the accurate environment sensing from echoes, the effective resource management for optimization and information extraction. In this report, we will discuss the development and challenges of the information extraction.