Biograph: Dr. Chen received Bachelor & Masters degree of Signal and Information Processing in 2010 and PhD in 2014, at Naval Aviation University (NAU). He serves as the key member with marine target detection research group in NAU. He has published more than 70 academic articles, two books, and applied 32 national invention patents. His main research interests include radar signal processing especially for marine target detection, low-observable moving target detection, and clutter suppression. He has given more than 20 speeches of radar signal processing especially marine target.
In 2016, Dr. Chen was selected in the Young Talents Program of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), and received the Excellent Doctor Dissertation of CIE. In 2017, he received the Chinese Patent Award. He won four excellent papers awards at 2016 International Radar Conference, 2017 EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications (MLICOM 2017), the 14th National Radar Conference, and 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT 2019), respectively. In 2017 and 2018, his papers were selected as highly cited paper of Journal of Radars, and F5000 Top Articles from Outstanding S&T Journals of China. In 2019, he won the Civil-military Integration Award of China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association (CIUR). He was selected for the Young Scientist Award both at 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference and 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, China (ACES). He has served as the Committee Member of CIE Youth Commission, and Vice Executive Secretary of Radar and Information System Committee of CIE Young Scientist Club since 2018. He was the TPC member of the 2015 and 2018 IET International Radar Conference. He was the section chair of 2016 International Conference on Mathematical Characterization, Analysis and Applications of Complex Information, 2017 MLICOM, 2017 International Conference on Radar Systems (UK), 2019 ICEICT, and 2019 ACES. He is the organizer of the special session “Recent Development on Radar Signal Processing” of 2019 ICEICT, special session “Radar Marine Target Detection and Recognition” of ACES 2019, and workshop “Advances in Radar Signal Processing and Target Recognition” of International Conferences on Communications Signal Processing and Systems (CSPS 2019). He has been in the Editorial Board of Journal of Radars since 2019 and served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Access since 2018. He is the reviewer for IEEE TSP, IEEE SPL, IEEE TGRS, IEEE GRSL, IEEE JSTARS, IET RSN, IET SP, IET EL, DSP, and many international conferences.
Title: Radar Detection for Low-observable Moving Target at Sea
Abstract: Detection of low-observable moving target in sea clutter is an important issue for both civil and military applications. Targets covered by sea clutter with low observability are main threats to maritime observation systems and detection of these targets gives a severe challenge to radar survivability. Moreover, the detection process is difficult due to the weak radar returns and complex sea environment. Low-observable marine targets include low attitude, slow moving, small size, highly maneuvering, and stealthy targets. Their radar returns have a common characteristic, i.e., low signal-to-clutter ratio in time and frequency domains. In recent years, with the development of radar systems and radar signal processing technology, radar has the ability to acquire refined target features. And some newly developed theories, e.g., micro-Doppler, long-time coherent integration, sparse time-frequency transform, deep learning, etc., provide novel solutions for marine target detection and recognition. This talk will summarize and expound the connotation and characteristics of low-observable moving targets at sea, the challenges for radar detection, and the key technologies of refined and intelligent processing. Combined with the measured data of radar, it also provides some possible solutions for engineering applications.