Title: Scattering-based processing of polSAR data for ocean applications | |
Speaker: Prof. Andrea Buono |
Title: Sensing and Communications – From competition to cooperation | |
Speaker: Prof. Marco Lops (IEEE Fellow) Affiliation: Università di Napoli "Federico II" |
Title: See Earth in a New Light: Monitor Surface Changes with TomoSAR | |
Speaker: Prof. Dinh Ho Tong Minh Affiliation: INRAE |
Title: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Acquisition Modes for Maritime Surveillance | |
Speaker: Prof. Gerardo Di Martino Affiliation: University of Naples Federico II |
Title: Sparse Array Beamforming and Its Applications |
Speaker: Prof. Elias Aboutanios
Speaker: Prof. Xiangrong Wang |
Title: Physical based Deep Learning techniques for SAR image processing | |
Speaker: Prof. Giampaolo Ferraioli Affiliation: Department of Science and Technology, University of Naples, Parthenope |
Title: Quaternion-Valued Antenna Array Signal Processing and Its Applications | |
Speaker: Prof. Wei Liu Affiliation: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Title: Advanced topics in Spaceborne SAR Interferometry | |
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ir. Ramon Hanssen Affiliation: Delft University of Technology |